The drinking sports group was formed over 25 years ago as part of visits to the wine seminars at the “Hanglage” wine store in Rüsselsheim. Gradually, a group of currently > 20 people formed, who organize joint activities around the topic of wine.
Life is too short to drink bad wine

Wine table(s): Surprise menu
On 18.11.2024, we met for a very special event as part of the Weintafel(n) - a surprise menu. The task:
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New format – “wine tables”
Initiated by Annette and Eiko, up to 12 people from the TSG meet once a month at their home to
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Wine tour South England
Together with 16 members of the drinking sports group, we went on a combined garden and wine trip to the
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Cellar clearing February 2020
In this month's cellar clearing we have balanced the number of white and red wines. As expected, the "Lillian Syrah
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Winter menu 2020
Once again, the drinking sports group met to eat and drink wine. Meike, Eiko, Gerd, Michael and Peter conjured up
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Cellar clearing January 2020
The new year starts once again with a cellar clearing. We started with a comparison of the two Salwey Pinot
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